My Heart Will Go On…Because of Merial’s Heartgard Products!

True to its name, Heartgard truly does offer an incredible degree of protection to your pet’s most vital of vitals. This powerful medication for dogs or cats will knock an invasion of fresh-faced parasites into oblivion. The vanguard product from parent company, Merial, is super effective against heartworms in the larval stage, and should continuously be used to safeguard any valued family pet. Merial, always an ambitious protector of pets, doesn’t stop with simple single dimensional protection against heartworm larvae. Three different variations of Heartgard are available to protect against a much greater variety of threats.

For those who want to go the extra mile, Merial also offers Heartgard Plus which still offers the ivermectin fueled protection from heartworm disease, along with the intestinal parasite pesticide: pyrantel. Pyrantel helps prevent canine ascarids, otherwise known as hookworms. If you keep up with this blog, pyrantel should strike a familiar chord, as it is one of the active ingredients in a previously showcased product, Drontal.

Dedication to the customer’s wants and needs is what makes a successful company, and Merial is no exception. Heartgard products are renowned for being fast, effective, and convenient measures against a wide range of parasites. They offer quality start to finish options for the most debilitating diseases a dog or cat can contract, and it has made them one of the most successful pet pharmaceutical providers in the world. is dropping science daily so you can make informed decisions for your pet’s future.Pick up some Heartgard products today!
