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What is Activyl?

Activyl is a spot-on treatment that uses bioactivation to kill fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and control flea infestations in dogs and cats. Activyl Tick Plus combines the benefits of Activyl with an ingredient to control ticks - it can be used as alternative product to Frontline Plus.

The unique bioactive action does not require the flea to bite your pet in order for the treatment to take effect. As soon as fleas come into contact with the skin they absorb the active ingredient, which paralyses the flea. Activyl prevents fleas from feeding and kills eggs, larvae and adult fleas.


  • Fast acting – kills 90% of fleas within 12 hours
  • Topical application ensures the product will not be refused
  • Kills fleas at three life stages to break the breeding cycle
  • Kills 100% of newly arriving fleas for 4 weeks

Is Activyl suitable for my dog or cat?

Activyl for Dogs is for use only on dogs or puppies of at least 8 weeks of age, and weighing 4 pounds (1.8 kg) minimum.

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs is for use only on dogs or puppies of at least 8 weeks of age, and weighing 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg) minimum.

Activyl for Cats is for use only on cats or kittens of at least 8 weeks of age, and weighing 2 pounds (0.9 kg) minimum.

Dosage Schedule

Activyl and Activyl Tick Plus are designed to be used as once month treatments.

The dosage for both dogs and cats is based on the animal’s body weight - please ensure you have the correct product for your pet’s size.

Activyl for Dogs dosage

Body weight Volume (ml) Indoxacarb (mg)
4-14 lbs (1.8-6.5 kg) .51 100
14-22 lbs (6.6-10 kg) .77 150
22-44 lbs (10-20 kg) 1.54 300
44-88 lbs (20-40 kg) 3.08 600
88-132 lbs (40-60 kg) 4.62 900

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs dosage

Body weight Volume (ml) Indoxacarb (mg) Permethrin (mg)
2.6-11 lbs (1.2-5 kg) 0.5 75 240
11-22 lbs (5-10 kg) 1 150 480
22-44 lbs (10-20 kg) 2 300 960
44-88 lbs (20-40 kg) 4 600 1920
88-132 lbs (40-60 kg) 6 900 2280

Activyl for Cats dosage

Body weight Volume (ml) Indoxacarb (mg)
2-9 lbs (0.9-4 kg) .51 100
Over 9 lbs (4 kg) .77 150

What are the side effects of Activyl?

A brief period of hypersalivation has been reported after treatment with Activyl for Dogs. Less common adverse reactions include squinting, head shaking, and scratching or rubbing the site of product application.

The most common reported side effects after treatment with Activyl Tick Plus are transitory erythema (redness of skin), hair loss or itching. Less common reactions include gastrointestinal sing, lethargy and diarrhea.

Adverse reactions reported for cats treated with Activyl for Cats include temporary hypersalivation and irritation. Less common adverse reactions include squinting, head shaking, and scratching or rubbing the site of product application.

What precautions must be taken?

General precautions

  • Do not administer orally – topical application only.
  • Wash hands immediately after application.
  • Keep out of reach children and animals.
  • Not for human use.
  • Ensure the pet or other animals cannot lick the area of application after administration.

Activyl for Dogs

  • Activyl for Dogs should not be used on cats.
  • Do not use on dogs or puppies under 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 4 pounds (1.8 kg)
  • Do not use on dogs (male or female) intended for breeding, or on dogs that are pregnant or nursing.

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs

  • Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs should not be used on cats
  • Do not use on dogs or puppies under 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 2.6 pounds (1.2 kg)
  • Do not use on pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs.

Activyl for Cats

  • Activyl for Cats should not be used on dogs.
  • Do not use on cats or kittens under 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 2 pounds (0.9 kg)
  • Do not use on cats (male or female) intended for breeding, or on cats that are pregnant or nursing.

How effective is Activyl (Indoxacarb) and Activyl Tick Plus (Indoxacarb + Permethrin)?

Activyl for Dogs

Studies conducted on dogs indicate that cessation of feeding, paralysis and death of adultinsects can occur as soon as 8-12 hours after treatment. Activyl also kills developing stages of fleas in the environment of treated dogs and prevents flea eggs from developing into larvae or biting adults, providing sustained control of new infestations for at least 4 weeks.

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs

Treatment of flea infestations (Ctenocephalides felis); the product has persistent insecticidal efficacy for up to 4 weeks against Ctenocephalides felis. The product has persistent acaricidal efficacy for up to 5 weeks against Ixodes ricinus and up to 3 weeks against Rhipicephalus sanguineus. If ticks of these species are present when the product is applied, all the ticks may not be killed within the first 48 hours but they may be killed within a week. Developing stages of fleas in the dog’s immediate surroundings are killed following contact with the treated dogs.

Activyl for Cats

Cessation of feeding, paralysis and death of adult insects can occur as soon as 8-12 hours after treatment. Activyl also kills developing stages of fleas in the environment of treated cats and dogs and prevents flea eggs from developing into larvae or biting adults, providing sustained control of new infestations for at least 4 weeks.

Brand Comparison

Activyl Flea Control & Tick Treatment

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